Check the way to observe for Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022 from here. Last date to use is fifteenth July, 2022. All the ones applicants who’re eligible and feature require qualifications for FGEI vacancies ought to observe in due time to avail this golden opportunity.
Age rest can be admissible in line with authorities rules. No TA/ DA is paid for interview / Test. Address is General Staff Officer GradeI, Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantonments/Garrisons) Directorate, 191 Sir Syed Road, Rawalpindi.
Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022 Details:
Posted Date: | 21 June 2022 |
Location: | Ex-Fata, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Master, Matric, Primary |
Last Date: | July 15, 2022 |
Total Vacancies: | 262 |
Company: | Ministry of Defence |
Address: | General Staff Officer GradeI, Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantonments/Garrisons) Directorate, 191 Sir Syed Road, Rawalpindi. FGEI Add |
Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022 Vacant Posts:
- Accountants
- Assistant Librarians
- Assistants
- Band Masters
- Bus Conductor
- Chowkidar
- Drivers
- Elementary School Teachers
- Khakrob
- Laboratory Assistants
- Laboratory Attendants
- Librarians
- Lower Division Clerks
- Mali
- Naib Qasid
- Store Keepers
- Upper Division Clerks

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- Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022: Selected candidate may be appointed anywhere in Pakistan.
- Married female candidate may apply on the basis of her own or her husband’s domicile (Must produce domicile certificate of husband and Nikhnama at the time of interview).
- Candidates must mention their District of Domicile on application form (Original domicile certificate alongwith photocopy duly verified by concerned Deputy/ Assistant Commissioner must be produced at the time of interview).
- Candidate may apply for more than one post by depositing separate application form with separate challan fee deposited.
- Age, academic and professional qualification of the candidates shall be determined on the closing date of applications.
- Final selection/ recruitments of candidates shall be made after detailed scrutiny of documents.
- Shortlisted Candidates will be called for interview on the basis of written test, according to Government policy.
- Professional Qualification i.e. CT/ B.Ed/ M.Ed/ BS.Ed/ M.A (Education) or equivalent (for Elementary School Teacher), One Year Diploma in Library Sciences or equivalent (for Librarian), Certificate in Library Sciences or equivalent (for Library Assistant/Assistant
Librarian) and one year training certificate/ Diploma in Band/ Music (for Bandmaster) is Mandatory. - No extra marks will be given on higher academic/ professional qualification and experience.
- Shortlisted candidates must produce original documents (Date of declaration of result must be mentioned on mark sheet/ transcript) at the time of interview. In case, any of the documents is found fake or bogus at any stage, candidature of the particular candidate will
stand cancelled. Even in case of his/ her selection, such fake documents whenever found, will lead to appropriate disciplinary action/ criminal proceedings against such person. - Govt servants must produce fresh NOC from their department at the time of interview.
- FGEI (C/G) Directorate reserved the right to re-conduct test of any category or re-evaluate any candidate at any stage (if required) before issuance of offer letter.
- Typing/ Shorthand test of short listed candidates will be conducted before interview. Candidates who do not qualify the required typing/ shorthand speed will not be allowed to appear in interview.
- As per Federal Govt policy, final merit list will be prepared by giving 60% weightage to marks obtained in Written/ Skill Test and 40 % weightage to marks obtained in interview.
- Selection on Class-IV posts (BPS-1 to 4) will be made on local basis. Candidates other than the advertised districts are not eligible to apply.
- Completely Physical/ Mental Fitness to perform duty for All Posts especially for Driver, Mali & Chowkidar is mandatory.
- In case of any false information entered by the candidate in the application form, the candidate will neither be allowed to appear in interview nor the test fee will be refunded.
- Candidate may apply for re-checking of his/her paper by forwarding application to “Director Development CTSPAK” alongwith re-checking fee of Rs. 300/- per paper/ post within one week of result declaration.
- Dismissed employees of any organization or having criminal record are not eligible for employment in FGEI.
- Candidates whose final results have been announced after closing date of advertisement are not eligible to apply.
- Original and one set of attested photocopies of the document must be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
- FGEI C/G reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after advertisement on need basis.
- Incomplete application forms in any respect or forms received after closing date shall not be entertained.
- Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022: No TA/ DA is admissible for the Written/ Skill Test and Interview.
How to Apply For Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022?
- Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to appear for the test / interview.
- No TA / DA will be given for test / interview.
- Incomplete applications and applications received after the due date will not be considered.
- Download Form
- Candidates should bring original documents at the time of interview.
- Ministry of Defence Jobs 2022: Applicants who are already in government service can apply through the appropriate channel.