The PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission has announced The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs for both males and females applicants in this month. Complete details of PPSC Exam Duties are available on Iqra Updates.
Designation: Supervisor.
- Nature of Duty: To supervise examination/ test
- Basic Scale: BS-17 & above
- Rs.1500/- per session
Designation: Deputy Supervisor/ Departmental Representative.
- Nature of Duty: To perform table work/documentation for examination/test
- Basic Scale: BS-16
- Rs.1200/- per session
Designation: Invigilator
- Nature of Duty: To invigilate examination/test
- Basic Scale: BS-05 to BS-15
- Rs.800/- per session
Designation: Water Carrier
- Nature of Duty: Miscellaneous support functions include arranging the seats, dusting of furniture, sealing of exam-related material, provision of water, etc.
- Basic Scale: BS-01 to BS-04
- Rs.500/- per session
Common features of criteria
- Gender: Male/Female
- Domicile: Punjab
- Place of Duty: Employee’s nominated District/ Region.
- Regular employees of Punjab Government/ Federal Government/ Semi-Government Institutions/Autonomous Bodies (having equivalent scale) can apply.
How to Apply For The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs 2022?
- The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs: Selected personnel can be a part of PPSC invigilation gadget and can be referred to as for responsibility thru responsibility control gadget.
- Examination/Test will rather be hung on weekends (Saturdays & Sundays).
- There must be no criminal/departmental document in opposition to the employee/applicant.
- Interested personnel can follow with the aid of using downloading Registration Form to be had on PPSC professional internet site ( and put up the Hard Copy to PPSC withinside the call of Secretary, PPSC, LDA Plaza, 7-Edgerton Road, close to Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore and observe PPSC internet site for different important details.
- Important Note: Preparation of exam can be counted as a separate consultation.
- It is obligatory for invigilation group of workers to additionally come on coaching day in any other case remuneration of that day will now no longer be paid.
- Duration of every consultation may also includes three – three ½ hours.
- The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs: No T.A/DA can be paid as decided on personnel can be deputed at their desired location of region.
- The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs: Only remuneration can be paid.
- Remuneration for exam responsibility can be paid on the price of Rs.1500/- in step with consultation for Supervisor, Rs.1200/- in step with consultation for Deputy Supervisor, Rs.800/- in step with consultation for Invigilator and Rs.500/- in step with consultation for Water Carrier (problem to tax).

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The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs: Select and recommend suitable candidates through a merit-based, transparent and expeditious process to promote excellence, professionalism and competence in the Punjab Public Service and render advice to Government.
- The PPSC Examination Duties Jobs: To establish a competent, efficient, professional and responsive Public Service to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century
- To act without fear or favor ensuring functional independence, political neutrality, accountability and integrity.
- To uphold standards, policies, guidelines and rules governing selection processes;
- To develop and implement rule-based selection criteria and processes to ensure fair and equal-opportunity to all candidates
- To render advice to the Government, where necessary, on policies, methods of recruitment, selection criteria and processes, to ensure efficient selection process and to attract best possible human resource for various posts.
- To conduct tests, examinations and interviews for recruitment to:-
- Such Provincial Services and posts connected with the affairs of the Province, as may be prescribed; and
- Such posts in or under a Corporation or other body or organization set up by Government under any law, as may be prescribed;
- To advise the Government on such matters as may be prescribed relating to the terms and conditions of service of persons who are members of a Provincial Service or hold posts in connection with the affairs of the Province.
- Such other functions as may be prescribed.
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